
St. Paul’s Columbarium

Since the mid-twentieth century, we have provided space for the cremated remains of parishioners beneath the altar. We are now offering a permanent resting place for our loved ones within the grounds of our spiritual home in a beautifully crafted columbarium. The monument will be located in the large alcove in the enclosed walkway between our church and Parish Hall. This accessible location ensures that our loved ones are at the center of our daily life and remain in our hearts and minds for generations to come.


The Columbarium was built by parishioner and master carpenter Rob Whelan. The design is simple and elegant, with a single Celtic cross at the center. The primary material is quarter sawn white oak with a marine-grade finish to ensure durability and longevity. It can accommodate 80 niches, each about one foot cubic and bearing a bronze name plate. Each niche is $2,000 ($1,500 of which is tax-deductible) and has ample room for two cremains.


If you are interested in purchasing a niche or would like to see detailed plans, please call the church office at 707.433.2107 or email